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Character Animation Creation using Hand-drawn Sketches
Bing-Yu Chen1
Yutaka Ono2
Tomoyuki Nishita2
1National Taiwan University
2The University of Tokyo
To create a character animation, a 3D character model is often
needed. However, since the human-like character is not a rigid-body,
to deform the character model to fit each animation frame is a
tedious work. Therefore, we propose an easy-to-use method for
creating a set of consistent 3D character models from some
hand-drawn sketches while keeping the projected silhouettes and
features of the created models consistent with the input sketches.
Since the character models possess vertex-wise correspondences, they
can be used for frame-consistent texture mapping or for making
character animations. In our system, the user only needs to
annotates the correspondence of the features among the input
vector-based sketches; the rest processes are all performed
Citation (bibTex)
Bing-Yu Chen, Yutaka Ono, and Tomoyuki Nishita.
Character Animation Creation using Hand-drawn Sketches.
The Visual Computer,
(Pacific Graphics 2005 Conference Proceedings),
Vol. 21, No. 8-10,
p.551 - p.558, 2005.

PG 2005 paper (2,752KB PDF)
720x480 DivX Avi (10.5MB)
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by robin -a-t- ntu.edu.tw