Operating Systems
the following programming exercises, please finish them by using C language and
use the workstations at IM workstation laboratory to compile/execute them.
1. The producer-consumer problem: The
source code of a producer-consumer program implemented using shared-memory can
be got via
Ensure that you can compile and execute the code and know the meanings of it.
The producer-consumer algorithm described in the source code allows only n-1 buffers to be full at any one time.
Modify the algorithm to allow all buffers to be utilized fully and also modify
the source code to let the consumer consume the items in the buffer only if the
buffer is full.
Hint: Only some minor tweaks in the
source code are needed.
2. The Fibonacci sequence problem: The
Fibonacci sequence is the series of numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, .... Formally,
it can be expressed as:
fib0 = 0
fib1 = 1
fib2 = fibn-1 + fibn-2
a C program using the fork() system call that generates the
Fibonacci sequence in the child process. The number of the sequence will be
provided in the command line. For example, if 5 is provided, the first five
numbers in the Fibonacci sequence will be output by the child process. Because
the parent and child processes have their own copies of the data, it will be
necessary for the child to output the sequence. Have the parent invoke the wait() call
to wait for the child process to complete before exiting the program. Perform
necessary error checking to ensure that a non-negative number is passed on the
command line.
3. The Fibonacci sequence problem (again): In
the previous exercise, the child process must output the Fibonacci sequence,
since the parent and child have their own copies of the data. Another approach
to designing this program is to establish a shared-memory segment between the
parent and child processes. This technique allows the child to write the
contents of the Fibonacci sequence to the shared-memory segment and has the
parent output the sequence when the child completes. Because the memory is
shared, any changes the child makes to the shared memory will be reflected in
the parent process as well.
program will be structured using POSIX shared memory as the example at
The program first requires creating the data structure for the shared-memory
segment. This is most easily accomplished using a struct.
This data structure will contain two items: (1) a fixed-sized array of size MAX_SEQUENCE that will hold
the Fibonacci values; and (2) the size of the sequence the child process is to
generate -- sequence_size where sequence_size ≤ MAX_SEQUENCE. These items can be represented
in a struct as
typedef struct {
long fib_sequence [MAX_SEQUENCE];
int sequence_size;
} shared_data;
parent process will progress through the flowing steps:
the child process is a copy of the parent, the shared-memory region will be
attached to the childfs address space as well. The child process will then
write the Fibonacci sequence to shared memory and finally will detach the
4. The popen function:
Write a C program using the fork() system call to produce a child process,
which can execute a command given in the argument like the popen()
system call and also print out the PID of the child process the parent
process forked. For example, suppose your program is named by gforktesth,
this program could be run as:
./forktest ls
child process then executes the specified command and the output will be like:
fork_sample.c forktest Makefile
child pid = 29745
NoteFYour program
must be able to take command arguments.
For example, after executing the program like g./forktest ls –a –lh, your child process must execute the
command gls
–a –lh
instead of only glsh. Furthermore, if some of the commands may not be
executed correctly in your program, it is okay as long as most basic commands
(like ls)
mini-mini-shell: Write a C program to greplaceh the original shell by extending the
previous exercise, i.e., you can execute commands
in this new shell interface like in a normal shell. It will print out the
output normally after each execution, then prompt user about the next command without exiting the program. Of course, you must fork a new
process to execute each command. For example, suppose
your program is named by gbonustesth, if
the original shell looks like:
[b91056@mercury ~/homework]$ cd bonus
[b91056@mercury bonus]$ ls
bonus_sample.c bonustest Makefile
This is what
your shell should look like:
[b91056@mercury bonus]$ ./bonustest
myshell> ls -al
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 2 b91056
student 4096 Mar 21 22:15 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 b91056
student 4096 Mar 21 22:00 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 b91056
student 1979 Mar 21 22:15 bonus_sample.c
-rwxr-xr-x 1 b91056
student 6533 Mar 21 22:15 bonustest
-rw-r--r-- 1 b91056
student 46 Mar 21 22:00
child pid = 31456
myshell> ps
child pid = 31458
myshell> exit
executing each command in your new shell, the PID of the child process should also be printed out, just like the previous exercise.
Furthermore, your shell should support the
following commands:
pid: print out the PID for this (parent) process.
exit: end the shell program and return to the normal shell environment.
<enter>: print out a new prompt line just like the original shell.
Note: You can
add more useful commands to earn more bonuses. Since this bonus problem is
considered simple, no part credit will be given. You have to meet all
requirements in order to get the bonus.
& Grading
The deadline
is 4/10. Please send your source
code to one of the TAs by E-mail before 11:59PM of that day. The file name
should be your student id like B91705056.rar. If you want to submit a newer edition of your code, please rename
it like B91705056_1.rar. In the rar
file, please include 1) the source codes, 2) an brief report
about how you wrote your code, your personal understanding about the mechanism
behind your work, and a series of test input/output.
Grading: Programs: 70%; Documentation: 30%.
a. You can use any resources you found on the Internet,
or discuss with others. However, you should not use any code or library which is not written by you, except for the system
calls and build-in functions. Any kind
of copying will result in zero points. (including the one who gsharedh
his/her exercises)
b. You can ask Robin or TAs if you have any question, but we will not help you to do the exercises anyway.
Any exercise after the deadline is not acceptable.