作業系統 Operating Systems |
Course ID | 725 20300 |
Instructor | Bing-Yu Chen | |
Teaching assistant | Liang-Yu Shih & Kun-Lin Lee [homepage] | |
Meeting time | 14:20-17:20 every Tuesday | |
Classroom | Mgmt. II Room 205 | |
Mailing list | os(AT)cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw [subscribe/unsubscribe page] [forum] |
2/27 3/6 |
Introduction [PDF] [Print Version]
Computer-System Organization Computer-System Architecture Operating-System Structure Operating-System Operations Process Management Memory Management Storage Management Protection and Security Computing Environments |
3/6 3/13 |
Operating-System Structures [PDF] [Print Version]
User Operating-System Interface System Calls System Programs Operating-System Design and Implementation Operating-System Structure Virtual Machines Operating-System Generation System Boot Homework #1 [PDF], deadline = 3/20 |
3/20 | How to use UNIX systems? [PDF]
3/13 3/20 3/27 |
Processes [PDF] [Print Version]
Process Scheduling Operations on Processes Cooperating Processes Interprocess Communication Communication in Client-Server Systems
Homework #2 [PDF], deadline = 4/10 |
3/27 | How to program on UNIX systems? [PDF (VIM & Shell Script)] & [PDF (homework)]
4/3 | Threads [PDF] [Print Version]
Threading Libraries Threading Issues
Homework #3 [PDF], deadline = 4/17 |
4/10 4/17 |
CPU Scheduling [PDF] [Print Version]
Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Multiple-Processor Scheduling Algorithm Evaluation |
4/24 | mid-term exam. range: the materials until 4/17 |
5/1 5/8 5/15 |
Process Synchronization [PDF] [Print Version]
The Critical-Section Problem Peterson's Solution Synchronization Hardware Semaphores Classical Problems of Synchronization Monitors Homework #4 [PDF], deadline = 5/22 |
5/15 5/22 5/29 |
Deadlocks [PDF] [Print Version]
Deadlock Characterization Methods for Handling Deadlocks Deadlock Prevention Deadlock Avoidance Deadlock Detection Recovery from Deadlock
Homework #5 [PDF], deadline = 6/5 |
5/29 6/5 |
Main Memory [PDF] [Print Version]
Swapping Contiguous Memory Allocation Paging Segmentation READING: Chap. 8 w/o 8.5 & 8.7 |
6/5 6/12 |
Virtual Memory [PDF] [Print Version]
Demand Paging Copy-on-Write Page Replacement
6/19 | HOLIDAY |
6/26 | final exam. range: the materials until 6/12 |