計算機組織與結構 Computer Organization and Structure |
Course ID | 705 20400 |
Instructor | Bing-Yu Chen | |
Teaching assistant | Yi-Chi Liao & Ming-Shiuan Chen | |
Meeting time | 09:10-12:10 every Tuesday | |
Classroom | MBA#2 Room 202 | |
Mailing list | architecture(AT)cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw [subscribe/unsubscribe page] |
9/15 9/22 |
Introduction [PDF]
Why and What is this course? Homework #1 [PDF], deadline = 10/6 |
9/29 | skip due to typhoon |
10/6 | How to Program? [PDF][SPIM]
-- by TAs Homework #2 [PDF], deadline = 10/19 |
10/13 10/20 |
Instructions: Language of the Computer [PDF]
Operations and Operands of the Computer Hardware |
10/27 11/17 |
Arithmetic for Computers [PDF]
Addition and Subtraction Homework #3 [PDF], deadline = 12/1 |
11/3 | skip |
11/10 | mid-term exam. range: the materials until 10/27 |
11/24 12/1 12/8 12/15 |
The Processor [PDF]
Logic Design Conventions Homework #4 [PDF], deadline = 12/29 |
12/22 12/29 |
Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy [PDF]
The Basic of Caches |
1/5 | Parallel Processors from Client to Cloud [PDF]
The Difficulty of Creating Parallel Processing Programs |
1/12 | final exam. range: the materials until 1/5 |