Pacific Graphics 2006 solicits high quality papers presenting original research results in all areas of computer graphics. All papers will be reviewed by an international programme committee. The conference themes typically include (but not limited):
Computer Animation
Geometric Computing and Solid Modeling
Shape and Surface Modeling
Physically Based Modeling
Rendering Techniques and Global Illumination
Image Based Rendering and Modeling
Computer Graphics Systems and Hardware
Virtual Reality and Computer Human Interface
Scientific, Medical and Information Visualization
Volume Graphics
Point Based Graphics
Web Graphics
Video and Image Processing
Computer Vision for Graphics
Computer Graphics Applications
Interested authors are encouraged to check the conference website for most updated information. All full accepted papers will be published as journal papers in The Visual Computer published by Springer.
Paper Format
Original unpublished papers of up to 8 pages (two-column, single-spaced, 10 point font, including figures, tables and references) are invited. An extension could be made up to 10 pages in maximum if absolutely necessary. Manuscripts must be written in English and formatted by using the templates (DOC, LaTeX). The paper will be reviewed as double blind reviewing, please do not put any author and affiliation information in the paper and additional materials. Instead, please be sure that all pages are numbered and that each page includes your paper's ID number. Submissions are made electronically in Adobe PDF for documents (no paper copy will be accepted), QuickTime MPEG-4 or DivX version 5 for additional videos, and TIFF, JPEG, or PNG for additional still images.
Submission of abstracts: April 17, 2006, 11:59pm (GMT+8)
Full paper submission: April 21, 2006, 11:59pm (GMT+8)
Notification of Acceptance: June 16, 2006
Camera-ready copy due: June 30, 2006