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Cloning Skeleton-driven Animation to Other Models
Wan-Chi Luo
Jian-Bin Huang
Bing-Yu Chen
Pin-Chou Liu
National Taiwan University
3D animation has been manipulated widely in movies and video games
nowadays. To make a 3D model move, traditionally, requires
animators' efforts to edit the key poses of the model. It is a
time-consuming task, especially when dealing with an imposing scene
such as those full of different animals or soldiers. In this paper,
we propose an efficient technique to clone skeleton-driven animation
data from one to another model, including skeleton, binding weights
and key-frame poses. With the proposed technique, users will only
need to specify few common features between the source model and the
target ones, and our system can transfer the animation
automatically. The cloned animation can also be refined by adjusting
either the cloned skeleton, binding weights, or key poses. In these
settings, we can speed up the process of making crowd motion
sequences and enable the re-use of animation.
Citation (bibTex)
Wan-Chi Luo, Jian-Bin Huang, Bing-Yu Chen and Pin-Chou Liu.
Cloning Skeleton-driven Animation to Other Models.
Proceedings of 2004 International Computer Symposium,

ICS 2004 paper (5.05MB PDF)
last update:
by robin -a-t- ntu.edu.tw